

Please NOTE

The schedule for 2024 is here! Keep in mind all schedules are tentative and subject to change at any time so that we can optimize rooms and speaking tracks.



Check-in Begins

Check in, get your nametag and your swag, and don’t forget to submit your first page for the
lunchtime First-Page Panel!
The Reservoir Room


Coffee Service



Opening Orientation

William Bernhardt
This is our chance to gather the entire WriterCon family and talk about what you need to know to make this a successful conference—and have some fun in the process.

Grand Ballroom


  1. Plot Your Novel from Start to Finish
    Susan Meissner
    Learn how to write smart with this arc-building look at giving your protagonist thirty
    pivotal things to do, using the story Q and A and including these essentials: What does
    your character want? Why does she want it? What are her external and internal conflicts? What is at stake for her? Why does it matter? What will happen if she fails? What is the universal truth at play?
    Grand Ballroom


  2. Blending Nonfiction and Fictional Approaches
    Rilla Askew
    Oklahoma’s most acclaimed literary writer and OU professor’s most recent book is Prize
    for the Fire, based upon her real-life ancestor. Listen as she explains how to plumb the
    depths of your characters and send them on a journey readers will never forget.
    Well Room


  3. Writing for the Inspirational Market
    Gena Maselli
    Do you want to write for the inspirational or Christian market but don’t know where to
    start? In this session, Gena Maselli shares what she has learned in two decades of
    working with ministries, nonprofits, and publishers. She’ll discuss genres that are ideal

    for new writers, the benefit of building relationships through contract work, and how to
    avoid pitfalls that will keep you from being taken seriously.
    Generator Room


  4. The ABCs of Writing Conferences: How to Get the Most Out of WriterCon
    Rene Gutteridge
    New to writing? First time at a conference? This session will help you chart your course
    with a minimum of confusion and false starts. Get the knowledge you need to make this writing endeavor a success.
    Current Room


  1. 17 Writing Productivity Hacks, Tips, and Secrets—That Work!
    David Holland
    Here the sought-after writer who has partnered with preachers, politicians, and
    professional athletes in the creation of 38 published titles reveals keys to surviving and
    thriving as a ghost. Attendees will discover insights to both the art and science of ghost
    writing success. As well as tips and tricks for capturing any clients voice, style, and
    Grand Ballroom
  2. Defending Yourself in Prose: Fight Scenes and How to Write Them
    Will Thomas
    Many crime writers will tell you that action/fight scenes are the toughest to write. But
    Will Thomas has done it for a ten-book series that has garnered great reviews and two
    OK Book awards. Learn how he does it.
    Well Room
  3. Writing Book Descriptions, Blurbs, and Taglines
    Callie Hutton
    How many times have you said it was easier to write the whole book than struggle with
    the blurb? This workshop will take away some of the pain. Each attendee should come
    prepared to work on a blurb from one or more of their books. We will follow various
    steps to create different types of blurbs. Hopefully, some will be comfortable enough to
    share their work.
    Generator Room
  4. The ABCs of Writing Proposals and Landing an Agent
    Rita Rosenkranz
    This renowned agent and head of her own literary agency talks about writing a book
    proposal, dealing with rejections, working with an agent, and other key aspects of the
    publishing process.
    Current Room


  1. Nonfiction: Exploring and Researching History
    Carlos Moreno
    His first book, Victory in Greenwood, received rave reviews, in part due to the research
    that previously unknown details about a pivotal and controversial moment in history. Let him explain how he did is—so you can do it too.
    Well Room
  2. Writing Tight
    Cynthia Ruchti
    Writing tight means writing with an efficiency of words, trimming unnecessary
    characters and words that “soak up the sound” rather than let it reverberate in readers
    Generator Room
  3. Productivity Secrets to Maximize Your Writing Momentum
    Christopher Maselli
    Well Room
    What if you could increase your writing output by tenfold? It’s possible, and in this
    session, Chris shares 10 proven productivity tips that will turn you into a focused
    machine writing like your fingers are on fire. See how you can set up each day for
    success, and get that book DONE!
  4. The ABCs of Publishing: Fifty Shades of Publishing
    April Eberhardt
    This is a thorough, lively and interactive review of today’s current publishing
    environment and the many choices authors have. Eberhardt will discuss the pros and cons of each approach, including traditional publishing, self-publishing, and hybrid publishing, and pinpoint the questions authors need to ask themselves to choose the path that will work best for them individually and for their projects. 
    Current Room


Lunch with the Agents (reservation required)

Elizabeth Kracht, Rita Rosenkranz

Private Dining Room
Box Lunches available (must be reserved in advance at the Registration Desk)

Terrace Room


First-Page Panel

Katharine Sands, Jeanne Devlin, Amy Brewer. Moderated by Rene Gutteridge
Submit the first-page of your work-in-progress in advance at the Registration Desk, then come hear it critiqued by three experts who deal with unsolicited submissions regularly. Bulletproof your opening before you present it to an agent or editor!
Grand Ballroom


  1. Inside Agenting: Why You Want One and How to Get One
    April Eberhardt, Rita Rosenkranz, Cynthia Ruchti
    Let these experienced agents who have helped build many successful writing careers give you the inside skinny.
    Grand Ballroom

  2. Write Fiction That Stands Out from the Crowd
    Micah Campbell
    While pandering to the masses might (or might not) get you somewhere, it definitely won’t get you where you want to be. Campbell explains what you need to do to get where you want to be.
    Well Room

  3. The Mystery of Agatha Christie: Her Life, Books, and How She Changed the Genre
    Julia Thomas
    Gain insight on how the bestselling fiction author of all time worked her magic—then put some of these devices to work in your own stories.
    Generator Room

  4. The ABCs of Pitching: Sell That Book!
    Katharine Sands
    Here’s your chance to sharpen your pitch before you give it! As a writer you are always going to be asked to introduce your work, to share your enthusiasm for your writing, and to get others excited about what is exciting to you. 
    Current Room


  1. How to Finish Your Manuscript
    Callie Metler
    You’ve started it. Isn’t it time to finish and get it published. This writer and publisher
    explains how to do it.
    Well Room


  2. Creating a Character Board to Bring Your Characters to Life
    April Eberhardt
    Do you use a character board? Maybe you should…
    Grand Ballroom


  3. Let Draft2Digital Distribute Your Books and Increase Your Income
    Kevin Tumlinson
    D2D has been the go-to distributor for digital books for years—and now they’re expanding into print. Here’s how it can work for you.
    Generator Room


  4. The ABCs of Marketing: Social Media and Other Fun Things 
    Betsey Kulakowski
    I know. I know. I know. You want to write your book. You didn’t become an author because you wanted to connect with people. You don’t even like people. Besides, what do you know about social media or marketing? Isn’t that the publisher’s job? It’s a rude awakening for authors these days when they realize they’re going to be the ones mostly responsible for selling their own books. In this session, Betsey will share some of her tips and tricks to do the most marketing, with the least amount of effort, and minimal expense.
    Current Room



Keynote Address

  1. Susan Meissner
    In this thought-provoking and humorous talk, USA Today-bestselling author Susan Meissner will share insights.
    Grand Ballroom


  2. Nonfiction: Sense-Able Writing
    Frank Ball
    Techniques for adding depth to your writing using all five senses. The value of simile and metaphor.
    Well Room


Keynote Address

Pitch Sessions (Check the schedule at Registration in the Reservoir Room. Meetings in Well, Generator, and Current)

Manuscript Reviews by Appointment (ask at Registration—Reservoir Room)

Private Consultations by Appointment (ask at Registration—Reservoir Room)

Open Bar Reception—Terrace

Author Signing at Book Table: Come Chat with the Authors: Susan Meissner, Rilla Askew, Will Thomas, Julia Thomas, Callie Hutton
Reservoir Room

Critique Groups! Have you been looking for people for a critique group with you, writers sharing feedback and on works-in-progress, either in person or online? Meet in the Grand Ballroom and see what happens!

Visit the Exhibitor Tables in the Reservoir Room!

Dinner on Your Own


Roundtable Sessions

1) Thrillers: Betsey Kulakowski, Kenneth Andrus
2) Mysteries: Will & Julia Thomas, Rick Ludwig
3) Writer Wellness & Health: Amy Brewer
4) Women’s Fiction: Lara Bernhardt, Julia Brewer Daily
5) SF and Fantasy: RJ Johnson, Daniel Bautz
6) Screenplays: Bob Saenz, Rene Gutteridge
7) Nonfiction: Kerrie Droban, David Holland
8) Childrens/YA: Christopher & Gena Maselli, Cary Hedwig
9) Inspirational: Melanie Hemry, Laurel Thomas, Cheri Fuller


Open Mic

Hosted by Laurel Thomas
Share your poem, song, book excerpt—or anything else. Share with the WriterCon tribe and get some useful feedback!


  1. $how Me the Money!: How to Break into the Popular Fiction Market
    Merline Lovelace
    Take this opportunity to hear one of the most successful fiction authors explain how you
    too can find successful writing popular novels. What she says may surprise you!
    Current Room

  2. Publishing Today Panel
    Jeanne Devlin, Janene MacIvor, Ally Robertson
    Find out what you need to know to survive in the modern publishing world!
    Grand Ballroom

  3. Nonfiction: Behind the Scenes of Writing True Crime
    Kerrie Droban
    A must for anyone interested in writing about real-life crimes. Droban will discuss how
    to do it and the responsibility that comes with bringing these stories to a wider audience.
    Well Room

  4. Pro Tips: Creative Marketing: Specific Ideas That Really Work
    Julia Brewer Daily
    This bestselling author provides practical, realistic, and specific ways for authors to
    receive more publicity for their work.
    Generator Room


  1. Designed to Sell: Staging Your Book for Maximum Exposure and Profit
    Cynthia Ruchti
    This prominent agent compares a house for the market to how writers prepare their
    the proposal, social media presence, website, etc., so that purchasers will be interested rather
    than scrolling past your project.
    Current Ballroom

  2. Poetry-Making From the Archive: Beyond the Family Photo Album
    Todd Fuller
    This session will explore ways we can discover poetry-making from a multitude of
    sources, including primary and secondary resources in libraries, museums, archives,
    historical societies, and special collections.
    Well Room

  3. How Many More FBI Agents Do We Need?: Avoid Errors By Understanding Who
    Does What
    Betsey Kulakowski
    So many writers these days focus on agencies like the FBI, DEA, CIA, NSA, etc., but never consider writing about other Federal Agencies. In this session, we’ll look at the various Federal Agencies, what they do and how they interact, so you can use the whole alphabet of Federal Agencies. We’ll cover everything from the ATF to WHD.
    Generator Room

  4. Pro Tips: Finding the Experts You Need
    Lisa Gardner
    Research is always a challenging part of writing, and never more so than when you need
    to consult experts in their fields. Let this NYT-Bestselling author explain how it’s done.
    Grand Ballroom


  1. Mystery: Show Me Descriptions in the World of Mystery  
    Mary Coley
    Join Mary Coley as she discusses how to ‘show’ your way to make money in mysteries.
    Imagery created by word choice to promote an emotional response is the key. Bring paper and pencil to this hands-on workshop. Through a series of flash prompts you’ll create a character, a place and a non-human you can use to populate any mysterious story.
    Well Room

  2. 15 Must-Haves for Author Websites
    Linda Fulkerson
    Yes, you need an author website. But what will you put on it? These are the essentials.
    Generator Room.


  3. Writing Nonfiction That Inspires
    Melanie Hemry and Gina Lynnes
    Together, these two authors have written more than 100 published books in the nonfiction market. Learn from these masterful writers how to write nonfiction that not only inspires…it sells.
    Current Room


  4. Pro Tips: How to Succeed in the Current Publishing Market
    Amy Brewer

    No one knows more about the current publishing world than this senior Metamorphosis agent. She will explain what’s happening, what works, what doesn’t, how to break into an increasingly shrinking traditional publishing market, or when to consider alternatives.
    Grand Ballroom



Lunch with the Agents (reservation required)

Cynthia Ruchti, Katharine Sands

Private Dining Room
Box Lunches available in Terrace (must be reserved in advance at the Registration Desk)



Amy Brewer, April Eberhardt, Cynthia Ruchti, Elizabeth Kracht, Josh Mitchell,
Katharine Sands, Rita Rosenkranz, Ally Robertson, Alice Bernhardt, Kadey Bernhardt,
Amy M Le, Chrissy Willis, Jeanne Devlin, Linda Fulkerson, Sharon Kizziah-Holmes,
Micah Campbell, Barbi Lorenz, Callie Metler, Janene MacIvor, and Desiree Duffy.
Moderated by William Bernhardt
Does it seem like conference pitching hasn’t changed in the last 50+ years? This year we’re
trying something new and more dynamic—a pitch festival. It’s like a film festival, but instead of a movie looking for a distributor, you’ve got a book needing a publisher. From the submissions, we will choose eight people to give a 5 minute pitch before an audience including every agent, editor, and publisher available at the conference! You can reach out to over 20 people (and more if you consider their contacts) at once! Even if one of the agents doesn’t handle your kind of book, they can and will refer you to someone who does. And since we do it during the lunch
hour, all your WriterCon friends can be there to cheer you on. No restrictions on the
pitches—you can include other people, multimedia, or anything else you think will help sell your book.

WriterCon will work with the eight selected authors to produce a book trailer or TikTok-style promo video and to develop your presentation. We want this to be the opportunity that pushes you over the edge into publication. To apply, email a brief synopsis of your book and a brief summary of what you would do in your presentation, that is, how you would convince all those attending that they want your book. Send to willbern@gmail.com with the Subject Line: Pitch Festival.
Grand Ballroom


  1. Looking for Laughs in All the Write Places
    Shel Harrington
    Humor is not just for comedy writing – it’s a valuable tool which can be used to enhance
    all genres. Whether you are going for full-out funny, an amusing character, witty
    dialogue, or a little levity for a serious topic, the specific strategies presented for injecting humor into your writing will be go-to instruments on your writing tool-belt.
    Well Room


  2. Ten Secrets to Writing Creative Nonfiction
    Cheri Fuller
    Fuller’s first book for Tyndale Publishers came out in 1997 is still selling today in the US
    and also in 23 countries. The One Year Praying Through the Bible has sold over 150,000
    copies and is still selling. Let this three-decade veteran of inspirational nonfiction show
    you how to crack this lucrative and rewarding market.
    Generator Room


  3. A Romance Novel is Not Just a Romance Novel Merline Lovelace
    This multi-decade veteran writer explains how to intertwine the two essential ingredients in a romance: the action AND the relationship.
    Current Room


  4. Pro Tips: Using Series Characters to Build a Writing Career
    William Bernhardt
    He’s done it five times now over the course of thirty years, so he may know what he’s talking about. Bernhardt has written both series and stand-alone books, sometimes placing books with major publishers that would never have considered them but for the success of the series books. Learn how to duplicate this success story.
    Grand Ballroom


  1. Agent Panel: Do You Want an Agent? What Do You Need to Know About
    Publishing Contracts?
    Amy Brewer, Cynthia Ruchti, Elizabeth Kracht, Katharine Sands, Josh Mitchell
    Let these successful agents tell you what you need to know about agenting and publishing
    in the modern publishing world.
    Current Room


  2. Use Plottr to Enhance Your Fiction
    Cameron Sutter
    Let the inventor of Plottr explain to you why this is NOT using AI to write your book but
    is instead a valuable tool for unlocking the ideas trapped in your brain and getting them
    down on paper.
    Generator Room


  3. Writer Wellness: Stretches, Chair Exercises & Yoga
    Amy Brewer
    As a certified yoga teacher, I will show the writers to do chair stretches and deep
    breathing exercises to calm and relax them.  My interacting with the audience, will also
    drive the workshop toward the logical understanding that negative feedback or unpleasant editing suggestions are not meant to be personal, and if they can find presence outside
    their story life, they can gain perspective that will lead to acceptance.
    Well Room


  4. Pro Tips: The Heart of Your Story: Bridging the Gap Between Logic and Emotion
    for Impactful Stories 
    Lara Bernhardt

    As many critics have noted, her expertise is characterization—creating characters who
    seem real and engage readers’ hearts and minds. And in this session, she explains how
    she does it.
    Grand Ballroom



Keynote Address

Tosca Lee
Let this New York Times-bestselling author inspire you with her words of wisdom.
Reservoir Room


Keynote Address

Pitch Sessions (Check schedule in Reservoir. Meetings in Well, Generator, and Current)

Manuscript Reviews by Appointment (ask at Registration—Reservoir Room)

Private Consultations by Appointment (ask at Registration—Reservoir Room)

Open Bar Reception—Terrace
Author Signing at Book Table: Come Chat with the Authors: Tosca Lee, Tamara
Grantham, Lara Bernhardt, Merline Lovelace
Reservoir Room

Visit the Exhibitor Tables in the Reservoir Room!
Dinner on Your Own


Roundtable Sessions

1)  Self-Publishing: Maurice Johnson
2) Writing Software: Cameron Sutter
3) Modern Publishing: Jeanne Devlin, Linda Fulkerson
4) Draft2Digital Distribution: Kevin Tumlinson
5) Book Marketing: Desiree & Dave Duffy, Betsey Kulakowski
6) Social Media Marketing: Barbi Lorenz
7) Audiobooks: Jesse Ulrich
8) Podcasts: Jon Meyers, Mitch Todd
9) Romance: Merline Lovelace, Callie Hutton



Hosted by RJ Johnson
Warm up your vocal cords! This is going to be fun! Every writer has a secret rock star buried
inside, right?


Advisory Council Meeting

We started the Advisory Council last year and it turned out to be an invaluable resource!
Have you attended WriterCon at least three times (counting this year)? If so, you’re
invited to join the WriterCon Advisory Council. Given your experience, we would love
to hear what you like, what you don’t, and how we can make the conference better. We
would also like to make you part of an ongoing consultation group to bounce idea off and
test new concepts. Join us!
Common Room


  1. Building Your World
    Henry McLaughlin
    In this workshop, attendees will learn techniques and methods for building a story world or setting for their fiction pieces. The goal is for them to leave the class with practical knowledge of the elements that need to be included in a story world to make it believable and appropriate for their genre, their plot, and their characters.
    Well Room

  2. KID LIT 101
    CS Jennings
    Children’s literature is a vast landscape—where does the new adventurer begin? In this
    bird’s-eye overview, learn the genres and trends, industry standards and practices, and
    practical tips for navigation. Your guide: C.S. Jennings, with over 25 years of experience
    working with top-tier publishers.
    Common Room

  3. Writing For Podcasts: You Can Do This!
    Jon Meyers
    Whether you are writing from scratch or adapting your existing fiction for an audio podcast, there are several DOs and DONTs to help you succeed.  This session will appeal to any attendee who is trying to decide if audio storytelling is right for them.
    Generator Room

  4. 7 Secrets I Learned Along the Way—That You Can Know Now
    Tosca Lee
    Listen as this New York Times-bestselling author shares the secrets that made her blockbuster career.
    Grand Ballroom


  1. Fantasy: Deciphering the Fantasy Zone

    Tamara Grantham

    What’s the secret to writing a bestselling fantasy novel? In this class, award-winning
    author Tamara Grantham will discuss fantasy tropes and which ones sell, how to craft an epic novel while hitting the right structural elements, and how to market the novel once it’s polished.
    Generator Room

  2. Writing Sci-Fi and Fantasy that Sells
    RJ Johnson
    No one knows more about science fiction/fantasy than this veteran author of many bestselling novels. Learn what you need to succeed!
    Current Room

  3. Understanding What an NFT is and What it Can Do for Authors
    Alan Bourgeois
    You’ve heard people talking about NFTs…but do you really understand what they are? Or how they could supplement your writing income? Time to learn what you need to know!
    Well Room

  4. Live StoryTime Participatory Event!
    Mitch Todd, Lara Bernhardt
    Put your storytelling skills and teamwork to the test! We give the first team a short
    writing prompt. The first player takes the microphone, ad-libs the first sentence of the story, and passes the mic to the second player. The second player ad-libs the next
    sentence of the story and passes the mic to the next player. But wait! Additional story
    prompts will randomly interrupt the teams and spin their stories off in other directions.
    Come join the fun!
    Generator Ballroom


  1. WriterCon Podcast—LIVE!!!
    William Bernhardt, Jesse Ulrich, Tosca Lee, Lisa Gardner
    You’ve enjoyed listening to the podcast—this is your chance to be a part of it! Come
    cheer us on as we attempt to record a live remote episode from the hotel. Jesse, may even
    interview you about your WriterCon experience.
    Grand Ballroom

  2. Small and Regional Press Panel
    Amy M Le, Callie Metler, Sharon Kizziah-Holmes, Micah Campbell
    Do you need a Big 5 publisher? Could you better off with a smaller press that pays more
    attention to you? Let these publishers answer your questions.
    Generator Room

  3. Revision IS Writing: Make That Manuscript Sing!
    Nikki Hanna
    Revision is vital to success in the competitive publishing world. Whether you seek a publisher or self-publish, a well-executed, professional manuscript is a must. Learn how
    to deliver a robust text through Key Revision Processes, Find and Fix Techniques, Vital
    Self-Editing Steps, Word Selection Tips, Layering Tactics that Enhance Voice, Professional Formatting, Optimizing Critique Group Outcomes, and an Awareness of What Shouts Amateur.
    Well Room

  4. Writing from a Place of Knowledge
    Kat Lewis
    Emotional resonance is the secret sauce of bestselling fiction yet it’s one of the most
    difficult things to craft authentically. Real is what readers crave yet we often avoid the
    most accessible place to mine: our own moments of pain, change, and transformation.
    Want characters that slide onto the page and feel real from day one?  Discover a practical way to identify deep truths from your life and learn to infuse character development, plot,
    and tension with these truths to create unique characters with a  journey that matters and that readers adore. 
    Current Room


Box Lunches available (must be reserved in advance)—Terrace

Book Expo Live all day in the Terrace! Browse books written by WriterCon authors!
Lunch with the Writers (reservation required)

Lisa Gardner, Tosca Lee
Private Dining Room


Author Q&A: Ask Me Anything!

Barry Friedman, John Wooley, RJ Johnson, Kenneth Andrus, Rick Ludwig, Bob Saenz,
Cheri Fuller, Chris Maselli, and others. Moderated by Rene Gutteridge
Is there anything we haven’t covered yet? You can remedy that. Come ask the authors on hand any question you would like. You’re probably not the only one in the room wondering about it.


  1. Nonfiction’s Greatest Challenge: Writing About Death and Dying
    Barry Friedman
    The acclaimed author of Four Days and A Year Later and Jack S*** explains how to
    engage and inspire while writing about life’s most difficult subjects.
    Generator Room

  2. Is Artificial Intelligence Your Friend or Foe?
    Desiree Duffy
    What impact will artificial intelligence and emerging technologies have on today’s
    writers? Will Midjourney design your book cover? Will AI voice simulators like VALL-
    E narrate your audio book? Will new language models like ChatGPT help you or replace
    you? Will this fast-moving technology revolutionize the world or control it? Join this
    conversation with Desireé Duffy and Dave Duffy from Black Château, Books That Make You, and The BookFest and allow them to introduce you to your new frenemies in
    artificial intelligence.
    Well Room

  3. Plotting and Characterization
    Lisa Gardner
    This is your chance to hear a major New York Times-bestselling author explain how she
    does what she does. You do not want to miss this!
    Grand Ballroom

  4. Inside Screenplays
    Bob Saenz
    Thought about writing a movie? Here’s where you gain the knowledge to make it a reality.
    Current Room


  1. The Horror! The Horror!! Panel
    John Wooley, Daniel Bautz, RJ Johnson
    Veteran writer and Bran Stoker-Award nominee John Wooley joins with two other
    successful horror and SF writers to explain how to keep readers turning pages.
    Current Ballroom
  2. Inspirational Writing
    Laurel Thomas
    Write characters brimming with empathy and heart. Tell stories that matter!
    Common Room

  3. Nonfiction:
    Exploring History
    Kenneth Andrus
    This military intelligence expert will explain his transition from military thrillers to nonfiction—and the lessons he learned along the way.

  4. Jeopardy! at WriterCon
    Hosted by William Bernhardt
    Now an annual tradition, Jeopardy at WriterCon uses the format of the familiar television show, but all the categories relate to books, publishing, and authors (including the ones attending this conference). The only rule change is that you don’t to race to ring in. Come join this low key, no-pressure fun version of America’s favorite quiz show.
    Well Room


Keynote Address

Lisa Gardner
Come listen to one of the most successful New York Times-bestselling authors writing today
explain how she achieved her success and what she sees in the future for writers.

Reservoir Room


Closing Ceremonies

William Bernhardt

Contest winners will be revealed with many other special announcements, offers, and prizes.
You don’t want to miss this!
Grand Ballroom



Book Signing:
Lisa Gardner, Betsey Kulakowski, Barry Friedman, John Wooley at the
Book Table

Reservoir Room
Visit the Exhibitor Tables in the Reservoir Room!


Revision Success: From Rough Draft to Bestselling Glory (3 hrs)

Lisa Gardner
Join #1 NYT-bestselling author Lisa Gardner for her renowned “book doctor” exercise that helped her evolve the first draft of The Perfect Husband from a midlist title to a breakout bestseller. Yes, it involves color-coded notecards, but you’ll have fun anyway. Optional: bring pages of your own for some real-time revision work.


Secrets for Storytelling Success (3 hrs)

Tosca Lee
Join #1 NYT-bestselling author Tosca Lee for an incisive examination of the critical elements of bestselling fiction, including breakout approaches to character, plot, dialogue, action, and more. Optional: bring an outline of your own work for some real-time storytelling analysis.


Book Marketing That Actually Works (3 hrs)

Melissa Moss and Betsey Kulakowski

No one told you that selling your book would be harder than writing it, did they? The modern digital book world has opened new PR avenues for writers, but most would rather spend their time writing than promoting. Melissa Moss, an expert in book launches and PR campaigns, will show you how to effectively create an online presence and brand through targeted marketing, websites, BookBub, Facebook and Amazon Ads, newsletters, podcasts, social media and more.


Once available (closer to the conference date), you can also download the schedule and bios by clicking the buttons below.