
Monday Masterclass | Stepping into the Spotlight: Public Speaking for Writers w/ Betsey Kulakowski & JB Caine

Monday Masterclass | Stepping into the Spotlight: Public Speaking for Writers w/ Betsey Kulakowski & JB Caine


The very title of this session might fill you with an abject, mind-numbing fear. After all, public speaking is the #1 fear of American adults, even more frightening than death! But if you want to make a name for yourself and get your books into the hands of readers, the ability to speak in a variety of contexts is a MUST. Whether it’s working a booth at a book fair or speaking to 1000 people at a writing conference, with more than 50 years of combined public speaking experience, Betsey and JB will give you all the need-to-know to deal with everything from research to stagefright. You may not love public speaking (though they do!), but you’ll be able to do it effectively using these strategies.

JB Caine is the author of the YA Paranormal ARCANA series and the High Fantasy IRONSHIELD’S SHADOW series. She spent 30 years as a language arts teacher, 23 of which were dedicated to coaching a district-winning Speech and Debate team. Her love of public speaking has also led her onto the stage in a variety of local productions and offered her the opportunity to teach and facilitate workshops to numerous professional organizations.

Betsey Kulakowski is a full-time safety professional with a degree in emergency management and the author of THE VERITAS CODEX Paranormal Thriller series. She’s conducted thousands of safety courses, been a guest speaker at countless safety conferences, appeared on dozens of podcasts, as well as at writers conferences.

Together, Betsey & JB, along with fellow author Jenny LaBranche host the Unfreakingbelievable Podcast.