
Monday Masterclass | Starting From Scratch: Building Your Author Podcast From the Ground Up

Monday Masterclass | Starting From Scratch: Building Your Author Podcast From the Ground Up


This three-hour workshop will talk you through the considerations and concerns you’ll need to address, from developing your initial idea to getting your first episode on the air.  We will use our real-life experiences to teach you some practical applications and strategies on the best way to communicate YOUR message. We will cater this session in real time to cover the specific concerns of the attendees in the room.  Bring your questions.  We will help you focus on finding your niche. There are several hundred writing and author podcasts, but there is only ONE that YOU can do. You will leave our session with that ideal premise plus a detailed plan that will cover the decisions you will have to make, the options/platforms/equipment you should consider for your budget, and the various methods to attract an audience.