

Young Dragons Press

Linda Apple

Linda Apple (linda@lindaapple.com; www.lindaapple.com) is the author of nonfiction, women’s fiction, and children’s books. Her recent middle-grade early reader, BOWWOW-Book of Winston’s Words of Wisdom, is being used by school districts for their One-Book programs. Book three of her Moonlight Mississippi Series, Lexi’s Choice, is due to be released in 2022. She has served as president of the Oklahoma Writers Federation, Inc. and the Ozark Creative Writers Conference. She has taught  writing workshops in the Midwest and southern portions of the United States, as well as Great Britain, which was on her bucket list. She is also a motivational speaker.


Linda is a firm believer in writing with the reader in mind and to leave them better after having read her books. She also encourages writers and readers alike to value their own stories and to share them. She lives in Northwest Arkansas with her husband, children, thirteen grandchildren and her writing partner, Winston, a feisty Scottish Terrier. He barks, she types.