Author Assistance
Kevin Tumlinson
Kevin Tumlinson is a Bestselling and Award-Winning author, Host of the popular Wordslinger Podcast, and Director of Marketing for leading publishing platform, Draft2Digital. His books are available in hundreds of countries worldwide. With a long-standing career in film, television, radio, and podcasting, Kevin is a seasoned world traveler, and has produced documentary programming and films ranging from historic aviation to military history. He currently lives in the Houston, Texas area, and prefers to work from various cafes, bookshops, and coffee shops around the world.
Draft2Digital is the leading ebook publisher online, with a global reach to more than 200 countries. We help authors build and grow their publishing businesses with an array of free tools and resources. Authors can upload their manuscript, convert it to an ebook or print-ready PDF, and distribute it worldwide, with support the whole way. Find out more about Draft2Digital and everything we’re doing for authors and publishers at Draft2Digital.com