


CJ Ives Lopez

CJ Ives Lopez, is the founder of The Authors Porch Magazine, podcast and blog. She is a multi-genre bestselling author, and event producer for Black Chateau, Books That Make You and The BookFest®. Her life has been an unforgettable expedition filled with diverse accomplishments and a passion for storytelling.
With a career spanning two decades in the United States Air Force as an Operations Manager within the Civil Engineer Squadron, she traveled the world, visiting Japan, Germany, England, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Oman, and Bulgaria, to name a few, and various states within the North American Continent gaining invaluable experiences.
During her service, CJ dedicated herself to personal growth, earning two associate degrees—one in Logistics Management and the other in Business Management. She furthered her education by obtaining a bachelor’s degree in psychology and pursued professional development with a Green Belt
certification in Process Improvement. Her commitment to education extended to special education, culminating in her Special Education Certification.
Following her retirement, CJ fearlessly pursued her dreams as an author. In 2018, she made her mark in the literary world by becoming a published author, and her talent continued to shine, leading her to achieve Amazon Bestselling Author status in 2022. With an impressive portfolio of over 20 books published, CJ has captured readers’s hearts worldwide.
In November 2020, CJ took her passion for storytelling to new heights by launching The Authors Porch.
Through this platform, she provides a space for authors to share their journeys and celebrate the art of
writing. CJ's dedication to promoting fellow authors and their work has garnered admiration and respect
within the literary community, a commitment she continues to uphold to this day.
Wherever CJ finds herself in the world, you will encounter a loyal canine companion at her feet and a
keyboard close by—a testament to her love for animals and unwavering dedication to her craft.
Sign up for her newsletter to stay up to date with CJ's latest releases and literary endeavors.
Additionally, take advantage of the opportunity to explore The Authors Porch Magazine and discover
more about CJ's remarkable journey and literary achievements by visiting www.theauthorsporch.co .