
WriterCon 2025 Writing Contest

Contest Requirements

You must be attending the WriterCon Conference to be eligible to enter this contest. Awards will be announced and handed out during the conference. Full rules and submissions guidelines can be found on the contest page.
Confirm You Are Attending the Conference(Required)
Select Which Applies to You(Required)

Entry Details

Select below which categories you are entering.
Contest Categories(Required)
Select all categories you are submitting for. When you save your file/s – save as follows: Category – Author — Title of Piece. (For Example: Fiction — Bernhardt — ToKillAMockingbird) || Each entry must be uploaded as its own file.
You can enter as many categories as you like, up to five per category; however, the same piece may not be submitted to multiple categories.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 50 MB.
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.