

Poet | Non Fiction | Fiction

Phetote Mshairi

Phetote [Fee toh tee] Mshairi [Em shah ee ree] is an entrepreneur (New Greenwood, LLC); a Tulsa Artist Fellow; poet; author; publisher; performing artist; teaching artist; poetry slam champion; mentor; advocate; actor; songwriter; playwright; curator; host; and keynote speaker from Tulsa, Oklahoma. He earned his B.B.A. from Langston University, with a major in Business Management.  Phetote is on the Poetry/Spoken-word Committee at Living Arts of Tulsa. He conducts poetry workshops and occasionally participates in the Artist in the Schools program with ahha.  He is also a mentor with the 100 Black Men of Tulsa.


Mshairi started reciting poems, scriptures, and speeches at the Historic Vernon A.M.E Church on Greenwood when he was a tot. He has been writing poetry ever since he was a young child wielding a pen as a Word-smith’s apprentice.  Mshairi appreciates the power of words and lives poetically.